The logic group is part of the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science at the University of Gothenburg.
Our group has a broad expertise in mathematical, philosophical and computational logic. With a diverse team from varied backgrounds, we integrate different traditions in mathematical logic, ranging from proof theory, models of arithmetics, and dependence logics to modal logic and categorical semantics. Our group is also interested in philosophy of language and applications of logic to linguistics.
We are one of the member groups of the Scandinavian Logic Society which organises a number of events promoting logic in the Nordic regions, for instance the Nordic Online Logic Seminar.
Bahareh Afshari, Professor
My expertise is in proof theory and its application to computational logic. I am particularly interested in expressibility, complexity, and deductive strength in fixed point logics. Other topics that I have worked on and/or are currently pursuing include relative computability, reverse mathematics, ordinal analysis, computational content of proofs, automata theory and games.
Graham E Leigh, Professor
My research interests concern the interface between the three facets of logic: mathematical, philosophical and computational logic. I have worked in proof theory, theories of truth, non-classical logics, computational content of logics, and modal logic.
Fredrik Engström, Senior Lecturer
Early research on models of arithmetic including compositional theories of truth and transplendent models. Later, focus shifted towards Dependence logic and generalized quantifiers as well as the characterization of logical constants. Also interested in the cognitive aspects of logical reasoning.
Martin Kaså, Senior Lecturer
My background is in philosophical logic, with a focus on formal systems for trial-and-error processes. Recently, my research interests have shifted somewhat towards argumentation theory and (logical) philosophy of language. In particular the application of foundational theories in philosophical semantics and pragmatics to practically useful argumentation analysis.
Rasmus Blanck, Associate Senior Lecturer
My research interests lie close to logic, philosophy, and linguistics. In particular, I have been working on the metamathematics of arithmetic, philosophy of mathematics, formal semantics and probabilistic semantics for natural language.
Ivan Di Liberti, Associate Senior Lecturer
My research is motivated by logic, foundations of mathematics and foundations of geometry. My work is in categorical logic, syntax-semantics dualities, topos theory, general category theory and formal category theory.
Gianluca Curzi, Postdoctoral Researcher
My research interests range from proof theory, linear logic, lambda calculus and type theories to computational complexity, coinduction, and probabilistic computation. I am now working on the computational strength of cyclic proofs, with special attention to their complexity-theoretic aspects.
Giacomo Barlucchi, PhD student
Anton Pertun Broberg, PhD student
Tjeerd Fokkens, PhD student
Mattias Granberg Olsson, PhD student
Orvar Lorimer Olsson, PhD student
Dominik Wehr, PhD student
I am interested in the exploration of foundational systems by means of proof theory and (constructive) reverse mathematics. At the moment I work in cyclic proof theory, focusing on the soundness conditions of cyclic derivation systems.